Pad Mounted Transformers (CCT)
Pad Mounted Transformers (CCT)

CCT´s, have been integrated to the standard product line of Tadeo Czerweny S.A. Designed as a low-cost integral solution, they can be used in urban areas, industrial plants, residential condominiums, hospitals and in every place with high pedestrian transit and unadequate physical space.
The CCT´s are suitable for indoor or outdoor use, and for H.V. radial or ring net connection.
The H.V. equipment consists basically on a three-phase switch of on-load operation built in the tank and immersed in the same transformer oil. The connecting bushings are pluggable type and conform to ANSI STD 386 standards.
Los bushings de conexión son del tipo enchufable y responden a las normas ANSI STD 386.
The complete range of the transformer protection fuses are removable and mounted in holders plunged in the transformer oil.
All the H.V. elements are contained in an IP 54 protection cabinet.
The L.V. board is directly coupled to the L.V. transformer outlet by means of epoxidic type feedthrough insulators with stainless steel flanges welded to one side panel of the transformer tank.
The cabinet which contains the L.V. board also has an IP 54 protection level.
The L.V. board can be provided with different options according to the customer’s needs.
Upon request, Low and High Voltage electric parameters measurement can be provided, however, type and quality of these outputs must be specified at the moment of setting the requirement to include them in the final design.